The Ultimate Detox Smoothie
The Ultimate Detox Smoothie is perfectly crafted with the optimal mix of ingredients to promote detoxification, improve digestion, fight inflammation and so much more. Consuming all of these fabulous foods in a smoothie is ideal because your body doesn't need to expend as much energy to break them down, as the blending process has taken care of that for you. This means your body can use that energy to take on the day. Don't be turned off by the less than appealing color, the Ultimate Detox Smoothie is as delicious and it is nourishing.
Below is the lowdown on each ingredient in the Ultimate Detox Smoothie and why they make such a powerful combination.
You really can't beat dark leafy greens when it comes to nutrient density and overall health benefits. Spinach is touted as one of the most (if not the most) alkaline of all vegetables. Keeping our body pH slightly alkaline is vital to optimal health and proper detoxification.
Not to mention, one cup of spinach has more than the daily recommended value of vitamins A and K1. Vitamin A promotes healthy eye sight and cell growth imperative for young and vibrant skin. Vitamin K1 promotes bone and heart health. Spinach is also a good source of magnesium, folate, iron and fiber. Finally, when you pair vitamin C (ie berries) with a plant based iron source (ie spinach) it increases iron absorption into the blood which promotes better focus and energy. Who doesn't want that!
Avocado is my favorite source of plant based fat. And as we now know, fat does not make you fat. It actually does quite the opposite. Avocado is a key ingredient in the Ultimate Detox Smoothie because consuming a fat in the AM helps to boost your metabolism. Also, consuming fat with fruit helps to balance blood sugar levels which prevents the possibility of being on a blood sugar roller coaster for the rest of the day. Avocado is also technically a fruit, therefore is properly food combined which promotes optimal digestion.
Speaking of perfect food combinations. Vitamins A and K in spinach are fat soluble vitamins which means they need to be combined with fat in order to be utilized. Enter avocado for maximum nutrient absorption and a delicious creamy texture.
Berries are one of the most nutritious foods on this planet. They are high in antioxidants which help neutralize free radicals and prevent signs of premature aging (hallelujah!). They also have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. As we know, chronic inflammation is essentially the root cause of every major disease including diabetes and heart disease. They're also rich in fiber which aides in the body’s natural detoxification by binding to toxins and moving them through the body to be eliminated. Additionally, one cup of berries contain 35% of the Recommended Daily Intake of vitamin C which keeps you feeling and looking fresh by aiding in growth and repair of body tissues (i.e. collagen).
As if that's not reason enough, they taste delicious. I mix up my berries depending on my mood. Raspberries remind me of berry picking growing up and the taste takes me back. Strawberries feel like a sweet treat. Blueberries are the ultimate health berry (technically a superfood). Blackberries happen to be my personal favorite (I am partial to the color black).
I am a HUGE banana fan, they're the perfect smoothie add-in. Bananas not only contain vitamin B6, potassium and fiber, but they also keep you feeling full and satisfied.
Pineapple just makes me happy. It's one of my staple smoothie ingredients because it gives a nice sweetness to a green drink. At first, I wasn't even aware of how much pineapple contributed from a health prospective.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn how amazing pineapple is for your digestion. It contains a group of digestive enzymes (which most foods don't) that help to breakdown proteins in the body to allow for easy assimilation into the small intestine. This is huge! Contrary to popular belief, just because you eat healthy foods doesn't mean you're necessarily absorbing all of that nutrition. This extra enzyme boost allows you to maximize the health benefits of the Ultimate Detox Smoothie.
Liquid Chlorophyll
Yes, like the kind of chlorophyll in plants. Chlorophyll is what gives plants that deep green color and vibrant energy potential. It's also extremely nutrient dense and adding 2 tbsp to the Ultimate Detox Smoothie is an easy way to amp up it's health benefits. Liquid chlorophyll is known as the internal deodorant and is extremely beneficial for detoxification due to it's oxygenating effects in our blood which promote removal of toxins. This blood oxygenation also improves brain function and energy levels. Chlorophyll is also antioxidant rich, improves immunity and supports healthy digestion. I don't find that it has much of a taste and don't notice it at all in my smoothie.
I squeeze lemon into pretty much everything. Not only does it support healthy digestion, but it's considered a mild diuretic and promotes elimination of toxins and other unwanted build up in the body. It's also a great source of vitamin C. I don't find that you really taste the lemon in the Ultimate Detox Smoothie, but if you're sensitive to the taste you can use less or omit.
Turmeric is a magical spice that has played an important role in ancient Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It promotes healthy circulation, ignites the digestive fire and eliminates toxins. Turmeric is an extremely potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and has been found to help our body produce more of it's own antioxidant enzymes to better neutralize the free radical activity in our bodies (teach a man how to fish!). Turmeric is most efficiently assimilated into the gut when consumed with a fat, one more reason avocado is a fabulous smoothie ingredient (as if you needed another one).
I'm a huge turmeric fan, I cook with this spice often and add it into different smoothies and elixirs. I know some people don't love the taste, but you won't even notice the 1/4 tsp. With all of turmeric's health benefits it's the perfect "cherry on top" of the Ultimate Detox Smoothie.
The Ultimate Detox Smoothie
The Ultimate Detox Smoothie is perfectly crafted with the optimal mix of ingredients to promote detoxification, improve digestion, fight inflammation and so much more.
2 cups frozen spinach (or 3 cups fresh)
1 1/4 cup water
2 tbsp liquid chlorophyll
1/2 lemon
1/2 banana
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup pineapple
1 cup berries
1/4 tsp turmeric
Add spinach, avocado, banana, water, liquid chlorophyll and juice from lemon and blend until smooth
Add pineapple, berries and turmeric and blend until smooth.