The Scary Truth about "Fragrance"

Fragrance is a big part of our lives. It's in everything from lotions to laundry detergents and even toothpaste. We're constantly bombarded by marketing messages on products calling out the latest delightful scent. What they don't market is the cocktail of chemicals used to create these "fragrances" and the impact they have on our health.

What Does "Fragrance" Really Mean?

The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act passed in 1973 requires cosmetic companies to list ingredients on their labeling, however, this doesn't include fragrance. So essentially, any toxic chemical concoction can be included in shampoos, cleaning products, air fresheners, body lotions etc and they can just call them out as "fragrance" on a product label.

What Chemicals are They Hiding, and What are Their Effects?

Buckle up, because this is pretty crazy..


Phthalates are a classification of chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors (EDCs). EDCs wreak havoc on your hormones resulting in issues such as infertility and weight gain. Not to mention, one type of phthalate (diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)) is a classified carcinogen. Phthalates are found in countless items including plastic food containers, toys and nail polish. Not surprisingly, they are rarely listed on labels. If they are, it could appear as any ingredient ending in -phthalate or be abbreviated as DEP, DBP, DEHP . Always look for products that call out phthalate free, otherwise they are likely hiding in "fragrance".


Parabens are another classification of chemicals that act as EDCs. Parabens contain a benzene ring which looks like estrogen to our hormone receptors and therefore mimics excess estrogen in our bodies. Elevated estrogen levels are associated with weight issues and breast cancer. Parabens are primarily in personal care products like lotions and cosmetics, but are also found in some packaged foods. They will be listed on labels as an ingredients ending in -paraben. Always look for products that call out paraben free, otherwise they are likely hiding in "fragrance".

Assortment of Untested Chemicals

"Fragrance" can potentially include countless undisclosed and untested chemicals. Many are allergens which can cause skin irritation and other considerably mild effects. Some allergens can have extremely hazardous effects on an individuals health if they are severely allergic to them. One terrifying example is Brandon Silk, a teenager with a life threatening allergy to an ingredient in the "fragrance" in Axe Body Spray. The law protects the manufacturer and they don't have to disclose the chemicals included in their "fragrance". Despite Brandon's mother's multiple attempts to attain the ingredient list, she still hasn't received the vital information that could protect her son's life.

Do I Need to Stay Away From Fragrance Entirely?

Not necessarily. Not all manufacturers are using the "fragrance" catch all to hide toxic and harmful chemicals.

Some truly are protecting a proprietary blend and are reputable natural products brands. Native is an example, they state "Our scented deodorants include a proprietary blend of oils. Due to FDA recommendations, we use the term fragrance to refer to these oils."

If you love a specific product, email or call their customer service. It can't hurt to ask if they will provide more details on what their "fragrance" is composed of.

Finally, there are some manufacturers who do list out the components of their fragrance in their ingredient list. In these cases, you can evaluate the safety of those ingredients. A great resource is Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep. This site allows you to search products and ingredients and provides an unbiased assessment of the safety of those items.


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