Why a Morning Routine is Necessary
A morning routine is so important for our state of mind and our health.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
You already have one million things to do. You don't have time to add one more thing into your already crazy mornings.
I hear you! This was me 1000%. But, what I've found is that carving out a chunk of time each morning to create a sacred space to take care of yourself, can make a world of difference. In the mornings (if we've had restful sleep) our bodies have reset, recharged and detoxed, so we can start our day fresh. If we jump out of bed and race right into a chaotic day, we rob ourselves of harnessing that fresh start in both body and mind. Your morning routine can elevate your mood and will make you better equipped to take on the craziness that ensues each and every day. The majority of my day (and I'm sure yours!) is hijacked by the needs and demands of the outside world, ie constant work emails, texts from family and friends, the dog barking, you name it! So I think you deserve to have at least 20 minutes to yourself before that.
My morning routine has gotten quite lengthy in quarantine, which is a privilege that I hope I can keep up once commuting and having to get dressed re-enters my schedule. But keep in mind, your morning routine doesn't need to be long to be effective. Incorporating just a few of these practices can completely shift the trajectory of your day.
Tongue Scraping
The first thing I do each morning is scrape my tongue. Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic practice that removes "ama" which is toxic build up that rests on your tongue (that gross white stuff). It's best to tongue scrape before brushing your teeth and/or drinking anything to prevent you from swallowing that toxic build up.
Hot Water with Lemon
Drinking hot water with lemon first thing on an empty stomach kick starts your digestion for the day and supports cleansing and detoxification. Lemon water also contains vitamin C which promotes healthy skin by stimulating the growth of collagen.
Dream Journal
I don't know about you, but I have some WILD dreams. I journal everything I can remember from my dreams the night before (while I sip on my lemon water). Sometimes this can take almost a half hour and I'll have pages of notes. Other times, I won't remember any. This practice allows me to work through some of the meanings behind certain dreams and to connect common themes.
15 Minute Meditation
I'm not going to pretend that I'm like a LEGIT meditator. I am not. But I'm trying! I have experimented with all different types from guided meditations to box breathing to 4-7-8 breathing. The last few weeks I've been doing Transcendental Meditation. For more info on TCM check out Mona Vand's Youtube video. This method has felt more natural for me and I'm starting to notice the benefits. I find myself agonizing less over the things I can't control and starting my day a bit more at peace. We all could use that, am I right?
Five Affirmations
After my meditation, I write five positive things about myself and/or my life in an effort to keep my vibes high and crowd out negative self talk. Some are the same every day and some I switch up based on what's on my mind or my calendar for that day. It always makes me feel empowered!
Daily Movement
Moving our body every day is so important for mood, energy and circulation. I'm definitely not working out anywhere near the amount of time or intensity that I did pre-quarantine, but I am enjoying the more low key vibes of a walk; something quick and low impact. Every morning I take my dog out for a 30-45 minute walk. During this time, I'll call my mom or listen to a podcast, and just enjoy the calm before the storm (ie work day). After the walk, I'll typically do 10-20 minutes of a Melissa Wood workout (if I have time).
Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is another Ayurvedic practice that stimulates the lymphatic system, improves circulation and energy, helps eliminate toxins and can even minimize cellulite. Check out this video on how to dry brush. I dry brush before I hop in the shower.
Vitamins & Supplements
There are many vitamins and supplements out there, and I've tried my fair share! The three that I take consistently are probiotics, B12 and D3. I take a high quality probiotic to promote a healthy gut. This is a MUST! Our gut is our second brain and produces the majority of our serotonin (aka the happy hormone). Since going vegan, I've made sure to supplement vitamin B12, but in the last 4 months I've opted for a B complex. All B vitamins are vital for optimal health, energy and brain function. Vitamin D3 is essential for strong bones and boosts our immunity; its beneficial to supplement for those of us who don't get to spend much time in the sun.
Healthy Breakfast
I wait until I feel hungry to have breakfast. Typically, the Ultimate Detox Smoothie, which is packed with nutrients and fiber to give me the energy I need for my often crazy, busy days. Sometimes I'm starving for it by 9AM, other days I don't eat until 11AM. I'm all about listening to your body and eating when it's hungry. I don't think it makes sense to force yourself to eat within 2 hours of waking, if you're not hungry. I also don't believe in forcing yourself to wait until a specific time, if you're stomach is growling.
So, what if don't have an hour or more to dedicate to a morning routine?
That's TOTALLY fine!
The goal of my morning routine is to detox my body and mind to get my vibes and energy high. If your goals are the same, but you only have 20 minutes, below is my suggestion:
Wake up and start heating your water over the stove. While the water is heating, scrape your tongue and brush your teeth. Pour your hot water into your mug and squeeze in your lemon (I use lemon juice because its quick and easy!). While your water cools a bit, do 2 minutes of meditation. Afterwards write out 3-5 affirmations while you drink your lemon water. Roll out your mat and do a quick 10 minute yoga or pilates flow. Pop your probiotic. If you make your smoothie the night before, you're golden!
I hope I've convinced you that a morning routine is a game changer.
Trust me, it's worth the time!